Course Code: CSE 103
Course Name: Structured Programming
Prerequisite: None
Credit Hours: 3.00
Detailed Syllabus:Programming fundamentals: Constants, variables, Keywords, Data types, C instructions, Hierarchy of operations, Programming structure of C. Decision Making and Looping: If, If-else, Else-if statements, Nesting; While, For loop, Nesting of loop. Odd loops, Do-while loop, Case control structure. Array & Functions: One dimensional, Two dimensional array; Array initialization, Scope rules of function, Nesting and recursion of function, Call by value and call by reference, Passing array elements to a function, pointers, Pointer notations, Array and pointers, Function and pointers. String operation: String variables, String I/O operations, Standard library string functions, Two-dimensional array, Array of pointers to string. C processors, structure type, structure elements, Array structures, Structure I/O in C. Introduction to OOP using C++. The course includes lab works based on theory taught.
Course Code: CSE 309
Course Name: Data Communication and computer Networking
Prerequisite: None
Credit Hours: 3.00
Detailed Syllabus:OSI and TCP/IP reference models. Physical Layer: Transmission media characteristics: Guided transmission media, Wireless transmission, Public Switched Telephone Network, ISDN, ATM and Communication Satellites. Switching- circuit message and packet, data communication principles – asynchronous and synchronous. Data Link Layer: Framing, Flow & error control, Error detection & correction, Data link protocols. MAC sublayer: Channel allocation problem, Multiple Access protocols, Ethernet, Switching Devices, Wireless LAN, Broadband wireless. Network Layer: Deign issues, Routing Algorithms, Congestion Control algorithms, Internetworking and Internet. Transport Layer: The transport services, Elements of transport Protocols, Introduction to UDP & TCP. Application Layer: Basics of DNS, Email, Web services and introduction to network security. The course includes lab works based on theory taught.
Course Code: CSE 315
Course Name: Artificial Intelligence
Prerequisite: None
Credit Hours: 3.00
Detailed Syllabus:Importance of AI, Knowledge Representation: Definition and importance of knowledge, representing single facts in logic, resolution non-monotonic reasoning, Dealing within inconsistencies and uncertainties, dempster shafrer theory, Ad-Ho methods, Heuristic reasoning methods, structural representation of knowledge graphs, frames and related structures. Neural Networks: Biological neuron, Artificial neurons and neural networks, Learning processes. Perceptron, multilayer layer perceptron, Bi-directional associative memory, Back propagation method, Self-organizing Kohonen networks, Hopfield neural network. Fuzzy Logic: Fuzzy set and control theory. Fuzzy inference, Fuzzy logic expert systems, Fuzzy associative memory, Fuzzy neural control. General algorithm, Pattern Recognition: Recognition and classification process, learning classification patterns, recognizing and understanding speech. Expert System: architectures, model based system, constraint satisfaction. Introduction to neural networks, learning algorithms and models.
Course Code: ETE 101
Course Name: Electrical Circuits
Prerequisite: None
Credit Hours: 3.00
Detailed Syllabus:Direct current, voltage, power and energy. Resistance, Ohm’s law, Kirchoff’s law, Voltage and Current law ; Series parallel circuits, voltage and current division, wye-delta transformation. Nodal and mesh analysis. Source transformation, Thevenin’s, Norton’s and superposition theorems. Maximum power transfer condition and reciprocity theorem. Inductors and capacitors, series parallel combination of inductors and capacitors. Responses of RL and RC circuits. Alternating current, sinusoidal waveforms, phasors and complex quantities. Impedance, real and reactive power, power factors. Series and parallel RC, RL and RLC circuits. Nodal and mesh analysis. Network theorems. Series and parallel resonance and Q-factors. Balanced and unbalanced Polyphase systems. Coupled circuits and transformers. Passive filters. The course includes lab works based on theory taught.
Course Code: ETE 202
Course Name: Electronics Devices and Circuits-I
Prerequisite: None
Credit Hours: 3.00
Detailed Syllabus:Semiconductor, P-N junction diode, rectifiers, clipping and clamping circuits, regulated power supply. Bipolar Junction transistors (BJT): characteristics, DC and AC load line, BJT biasing, frequency response. Field effect transistor (FET): characteristics, biasing of FETs. Switching circuits, OpAmp: inverting, non-inverting, differential amplifiers, integrators, differentiators, comparators, summing amplifiers. Feedback: characteristics, effect of feedback. Active filter, frequency response and noise. Introduction to IC fabrication process. The course includes lab works based on theory taught.
Course Code: ETE 204
Course Name: Digital Electronics
Prerequisite: None
Credit Hours: 3.00
Detailed Syllabus:Number systems. BCD, ASCII codes. Logic gates and Boolean algebra, Combinational circuit design. NAND and NOR latches. Flip-flop. Frequency division and counting. Arithmetic circuits. Adder, 2’s complement addition and subtraction. The BCD adder, Counter: Asynchronous and Synchronous counters, MOD numbers, Decoding a counter. Cascading counters. Register: Shift registers, Frequency counter, digital clock .Encoders. Multiplexers, De-multiplexers. Analog-to-digital conversion (ADC), Digital-to-analog conversion (DAC), Integrated Circuit (IC) logic families: TTL logic family, Memory Devices: ROM architecture. EPROM, EEPROM, ROM applications. RAM architecture, static and dynamic RAM, DRAM structure operation and refreshing. The course includes lab works based on theory taught.
Course Code: ETE 206
Course Name: Electronics Devices and Circuits-II
Prerequisite: None
Credit Hours: 3.00
Detailed Syllabus:Power Amplifiers: Collector efficiency; Class A amplifier; Class B Push-Pull amplifier; Class C amplifier; Tuned amplifier. Low-frequency Amplifiers: Cascading of CE stage; Mid-frequency gain; Low-frequency response of cascaded stages; Transformer coupled amplifier. High-frequency Amplifiers: High-frequency model for CE amplifier; Transistor noises. Feedback and Oscillators: impedance gain, gain, bandwidth and distortion; Stabilization; Positive feedback; RC Phase shift oscillators; Wein bridge oscillators; Resonant circuit oscillators; Crystal oscillators; Waveform generators. Operational Amplifiers: Difference amplifier; CMMR; Ideal operational amplifier; Inverting amplifier; Non-inverting amplifier; General-purpose IC operational amplifier; Integrator; Differentiator. The course includes lab works based on theory taught.
Course Code: ETE 208
Course Name: Analog Communication and TV Engineering
Prerequisite: None
Credit Hours: 3.00
Detailed Syllabus:Communication system. Modulation, Amplitude Modulation and Demodulation, Balanced Modulator, AM Transmitter, Super-heterodyne and Communication Radio Receivers, Angle Modulation and Demodulation, FM Receiver, TDM and FDM. Pulse Modulation and De-modulation, PWM, PPM & PCM Signals, delta modulation, adaptive delta modulation systems. TV Engineering: Scanning, Resolutions, BW requirements, Composite video signal, Allocation of channels T.V. Standards. T.V. Cameras, Receiver, T.V. Color System, NTSC, PAL-D SECAM, (Tx and Rx block diagram) color picture tubes, delta gun, PIL, Trintron types. Antenna and TV Transmission Lines, transmission and reception. Closed Circuit TV (CCTV), Cable TV (CTV), Satellite TV (STV) and High Definition TV (HDTV). The course includes lab works based on theory taught.
Course Code: ETE 210
Course Name: Signals and Systems
Prerequisite: None
Credit Hours: 3.00
Detailed Syllabus:Continuous-Time (CT) and Discrete-Time (DT) signals-Energy and Power signals. Periodic and aperiodic signals, Even and Odd signals. Exponential and sinusoidal signals-CT and DT Complex Exponential and Sinusoidal signals, Periodicity properties of DT Complex Exponentials. Singularity functions-DT and CT Unit Impulse, Unit step, Ramp sequences and functions. Derivatives of Impulse function. CT and DT Systems-Interconnections of Systems. Invertibility and Inverse Systems, Causality, Stability, Time Invariance and Linearity. The transform methods: Fourier methods, The Laplace Transform, Direct and inverse Z-transform. Digital filter.
Course Code: ETE 307
Course Name: Digital Communications
Prerequisite: None
Credit Hours: 3.00
Detailed Syllabus:Digital signals and systems, A-D conversion and quantization. PCM, Log-PCM, DPCM, ADPCM, DM, ADM, and LPC for speech signals, TDM, band transmission, data regenerators and clock recovery, inter-symbol interference, equalizers, digital modulation and demodulation – binary and M-array ASK, FSK, GMSK, PSK, DPSK and their spectra, circuits and systems, carrier recovery, performance of digital modulation systems, spread spectrum concept, band pass representation of noise, optimum and Wiener filter theory, matched filters, optimum signal detection and optimum receiver, elements of information theory and coding. The course includes lab works based on theory taught.
Course Code: ETE 310
Course Name: Telecommunication Switching and Networks
Prerequisite: None
Credit Hours: 3.00
Detailed Syllabus:Telephone Switching: Simple telephone connection, switching and signaling systems, single and multi- stage space switching. Analysis and design. Time/Digital switching systems, TS, ST, STS, TST systems, concept of packet switching and ATM, practical systems, circuit switching hierarchy and routing, signal systems – SS7. telephone instruments, pulse and tone dialing, BORSCHT functions, modems, digital subscribers loops, telephone traffic theory. Telephone Networks: Motivation for ISDN, New services, network and protocol architecture, transmission channels, user-network interfaces, service characterization, internetworking, ISDN standards, expert systems in ISDN, B-ISDN, voice data integration.
Course Code: ETE 311
Course Name: Control System Engineering
Prerequisite: None
Credit Hours: 3.00
Detailed Syllabus:Control system, Writing system equations, Solution of Differential equations, Lap lace Transformations, System representation, Control system characteristics, Root locus, Frequency response, Root- locus compensation design. Controls research involves the development of computational and visualization tools, development of methods for high performance operation of multiple actuator systems, and trajectory generation and feedback using computationally efficient linear and nonlinear optimization techniques. The course includes lab works based on theory taught.
Course Code: ETE 313
Course Name: Electronic Measurement and Instrumentations
Prerequisite: None
Credit Hours: 3.00
Detailed Syllabus:Significance and methods of measurements, Electrical and Electronic. Absolute and secondary instruments. Analog and digital instruments, Electronic instruments. RMS and quasi responding voltmeters, Automation in voltmeters, Accuracy and errors in digital instruments. Transducers, Signal generators, Frequency synthesizers and frequency analyzers, Analog and digital frequency meters. Oscilloscopes, Absorption and detection of radiation, Single channel and multi channel analyzers. Medical instruments: ECG, EEG, EMG, X-ray, Ultrasonography, Endoscopies, Pace-makers. Analytical instruments: pH meter, Thermal conductivity meters, Gas chromatograph, Spectrophotometers, and Mass spectrometers. Interfacing systems: Measurement and control of temperature, pressure, flow, strain, acceleration, vibration, liquid level and humidity. Instrument systems, types and techniques, versatility, data acquisition, stimulus response control, automatic testing , analog and digital interfaces, digital and computer controlled systems analog and digital recording systems, readouts and displays, Grounding of instruments. Electrical Measurements: Ammeter, Voltmeter, Ohmmeter, wattmeter Energy meter, Gauss and frequency meter, Extension of instrument ranges, electronics measuring instrument and oscilloscope.
Course Code: ETE 315
Course Name: Digital Signal Processing
Prerequisite: None
Credit Hours: 3.00
Detailed Syllabus:Z-transform, Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT), Structure of Digital Filters, IIR system, Digital Filters: Frequency domain representation of DT systems, systems function, Ideal low pass filter. IIR filters: Impulse invariance technique, Bilinear transformation. Design of IIR filter using Butterworth, chebysheb and elliptic filter. FIR filters: Window techniques, frequency sampling technique, equi-ripple, comparison of IIR and FIR filters.
Digital Adaptive Filters: Wiener filters, Linear Prediction filter, RLS and LMS algorithm.
Speech Processing: Speech production model, Speech analysis and synthesis system, Vocoder. Introduction to image processing. The course includes lab works based on theory taught.
Course Code: ETE 317
Course Name: Microwaves and Radar Engineering
Prerequisite: None
Credit Hours: 3.00
Detailed Syllabus:Wave propagation, Maxwell’s equations, Propagation of plane electromagnetic waves and energy. Reflection, Diffraction, Polarization, Poynting vector. Transmission lines. Metallic and dielectrically guided waves including microwave waveguides. Antenna fundamentals. Microwaves generators– Microwave Tubes: Klystron amplifiers, Reflex klystron oscillators, Magnetrons, Backward – Wave Oscillators – Microwave solid-state devices, Varactor diodes, Gunn diodes, IMPATT diodes, P-I-n diodes, etc., and their applications. Microwave Components: Waveguides, Directional coupler, Isolators, Waveguide couplers, Circulators, slotted waveguide. Radar Engineering: Basic principals, Basic pulsed Radar system, Band with requirements, Factors governing pulsed characteristics, Duplexer, Moving target indicator, Tracking Radar systems and search systems. Radar Antennas: Parabolic, lenses, cosecant squared antenna The course includes lab works based on theory taught.
Course Code: ETE 319
Course Name: Computer Architecture & Microprocessor Interfacing
Prerequisite: None
Credit Hours: 3.00
Detailed Syllabus:Computer interconnection structures, components and functions, Bus interconnection.
Computer memory system overview, Internal and External Memory, Cache memory and its mapping functions, Virtual memory. Input/output devices, I/O modules, programmed and interrupt driven I/O, DMA. ALU: Computer arithmetic, Instruction sets, Types of operand, Types of operations and addressing modes, CPU structure and functions, Processor organization, Register organization, Instruction Cycle, Instruction Pipelining.
Control unit: Hardwired control, Micro-programmed Control; Microinstruction. RISC and CISC machines, parallel processing. The course includes lab works based on theory taught.
Course Code: ETE 320
Course Name: Microprocessors and Interfacing
Prerequisite: None
Credit Hours: 3.00
Detailed Syllabus:Intel 8086 microprocessor, Architecture. Addressing Modes, Data Movement Instructions, segment override prefix assembler. Arithmetic, Logic and Program Control Instructions, Programming in Microprocessor, 8086/8088 Hardware Specifications, Peripheral Interfacing, 80186, 80286, 80386, 80486, Pentium and Pentium Pro Microprocessors: Introduction, memory management, special features. Introduction to micro-controller. The course includes lab works based on theory taught.
Course Code: ETE 415
Course Name: Wireless and Cellular Mobile Communication
Prerequisite: None
Credit Hours: 3.00
Detailed Syllabus:Wireless communication systems: fixed wireless access, cellular, paging, trucked mobile systems. Wireless access: wireless access networks, base and subscriber stations, frequency planning, multiple access. Noise and interference in wireless communication systems. Cellular systems: Operation, Capacity considerations, Standards, cell size and frequency re-use, cellular mobile Network and call procedure. GSM Radio system, GSM Radio system’s architecture, Roaming, Advantages of TDMA or GSM CDMA cellular system and their advantages. Radio Paging System, Auto paging, operator assisted paging, Automatic call, distribution, Interconnectivity amongst different network. Propagation and system planning, Mobile radio link design. Mobile Satellite Systems: Operation, illustrative systems. The course includes lab works based on theory taught.
Course Code: ETE 431
Course Name: Semiconductor Device Theory
Prerequisite: None
Credit Hours: 3.00
Detailed Syllabus:Electron Emission, Photoemission, Thermoelectricity for metals and semiconductors, Electron ballistics, Three Halves Power Law, Electron optics and Electron microscope. Electronic Theory: Band theory, Position of Fermi level, Hall effect and galvanomagnetic effects , drift and diffusion, excess carriers, Ohmic and rectifying contacts, Rectifier equation .Vacuum tubes: CRTs ,Focusing and intensity control, Positioning control, Ion traps, Fluoroscent screen , electrostatic and magnetic deflection systems. Semiconductor Diodes: Diffusion potentials, depletion potential, capacitance effects, Zener breakdown and tunnel diodes. Bipolar junction transistors: Principle, Role of base current on CE, CC, CB configuration, Frequency limitations. Optoelectronics: LED, LASERS, LCD, Optical Fibers, Optical isolators. Power semiconductor devices: Construction and applications: SCR, TRIAC, DIAC, GTO. MOS Devices: DMOS, VMOS, MOSFET, MESFET. Microwave devices: Generation of microwaves. Fabrication of ICs. Introduction to nanoscale electronic devices.
Course Code: ETE 432
Course Name: Electronic Materials & Nanoelectronics
Prerequisite: None
Credit Hours: 3.00
Detailed Syllabus:Crystal Structures: Concept of Solid, Unit cell, Bravis lattice, Miller Indices, Classification of crystals, Thermal and Electrical, Band theory of solids: Bloch Theorem, Kronig Penny model, Effective mass, density-of-states. Carrier statistics: Maxwell-Boltzmann and Fermi-Dirac distributions, Fermi energy. Modern theory of metals. Dielectric properties of materials, Optical properties of materials: Classical theory, semi-classical theory, Free carrier effects, Lattice absorption, Electronic absorption. Magnetic Properties of materials: Atomic magnetic moments; Dia- and Paramagnetism; Ferromagnetism, Anti-ferromagnetism and Ferrimagnetisms, Magnetic resonance. Superconductivity: Basic properties of superconductors; Superconductivity materials, type-1 and type-2 superconductors and some applications.
Course Code: ETE 433
Course Name: Biomedical Electronics
Prerequisite: None
Credit Hours: 3.00
Detailed Syllabus:Overview of human body, Principles and concepts in biomedical engineering: transducers and principles: Surface, volume and flow transducers, Catheter and diaphragm based transducers, Force and motion transducers, temperature, heat flow and humidity sensors. Laser Doppler estimation & analysis of micro circulation. Bio-potential, Instrumentation & measurement. ECG EEG , EMG, Pace-makers. Signal Conditioning, Signal Processing and Signal measurement, Chemical Measurement Systems, Biotelemetry, Medical Imaging and Reconstruction Techniques: X-Rays, Ultrasonograph , Endoscopy, CCU, Angiography; ETT; Arrhythmia measurement; Ambulatory measurement, tomography, CT-Imaging, Nuclear Imaging, MRI, PET Scanners, Ultrasound CT. Fourier reconstruction and non invasive image reconstruction techniques
Course Code: ETE 434
Course Name: Robotics
Prerequisite: None
Credit Hours: 3.00
Detailed Syllabus:Review of kinematics, forces, moments and Euler’s law. Control techniques, path/position control. Bandwidth, transmission techniques and design optimization. Robot sensors: physical sensing devices. Sensor interfaces, Organization of sensor suits. Contact proximity and machine vision sensors and interfaces. Multi-sensor data fusion: Multi-sensor data fusion fundamentals. Wavelet transform for data fusion. System organization for multi-sensor fusion. Current algorithms and their performance evaluation. Robot system integration, Robot programming languages and systems: Machine language programming. Current trends in robotics: Computer vision techniques, Image acquisition and processing techniques. Vision based control of robot manipulators, Robotics in industry, Military application in robotics
Course Code: ETE 441
Course Name: Optoelectronics
Prerequisite: None
Credit Hours: 3.00
Detailed Syllabus:Optical Properties of Semiconductors, LED, LASERs, Photo-detectors-Photo-conductors, junction photo-detectors, PIN detectors, Phototransistors, Darlington phototransistors, optocouplers, light-activated silicon controlled rectifiers (LASCR).Different types of modulations and demodulations of light. Optical fiber cables. Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) and Phosphor screens. Introduction to integrated optics. The course includes lab works based on theory taught.
Course Code: ETE 443
Course Name: Renewable Energy Technology
Prerequisite: None
Credit Hours: 3.00
Detailed Syllabus:Solar Radiation, Radiation measurements and measuring instruments: Radiation characteristics. Solar collectors & absorber, surface coating. Solar thermal application, Photovoltaic energy conversion: solar cells, P-N junction, Schottky barrier junction. Antireflection coating and textured cells. Thin film solar cells, multiple sun solar cells. Photovoltaic systems: PV Arrays, modules and panels, dimension of cells, packing efficiency of cells in modules. Stand-alone and Grid-connected PV systems. Power conditioning of photovoltaic system: Batteries, inverters, maximum power trackers, energy system without battery, energy storage in battery, Super-capacitors. PV-grid interconnection with battery storage, energy system with diesel backup and battery storage. Bio-mass, Wind, Micro-hydel, Geo-thermal, Tidal energy and their applications. The course includes lab works based on theory taught.
Course Code: ETE 445
Course Name: Power and Industrial Electronics
Prerequisite: None
Credit Hours: 3.00
Detailed Syllabus:Power Electronic system, Power Electronics versus Linear Electronics, Power semiconductor devices: Power diodes, Power transistors, Thyristors, GTO, MOSFET, IGBT, SIT with applications. Power Electronic Converters: Fixed output voltage and phase controlled AC/DC converters: single phase, three phase; Semi / Full. Dual converters: Angle, PWM control. DC/DC converters: Chopper regulators: Step-up, Step-down; Chopper classification; Switch mode regulators: Buck, Boost, Buck-Boost and C’uk regulators; Thyristor chopper circuits. Cyclo-converters: (Frequency converters): Single phase / Three phase and AC voltage converters: PWM, Resonant pulse inverters, Push-Pull inverters, Transformer less inverters, MPPT, Grid interactive inverters, PV inverters. Industrial Electronics: Magnetic amplifier, Control of temperature and other non-electrical quantities, Elements of microprocessor based control system for industries. Motor Drives: DC and AC motor drives, Microprocessor based motor drive. Industrial Heating: Resistive Heating; High frequency heating: Induction, Dielectric heating and its application. The course includes lab works based on theory taught.
Course Code: ETE 447
Course Name: VLSI Design
Prerequisite: None
Credit Hours: 3.00
Detailed Syllabus:MOS Technology, MOS Transistors: NMOS inverters, CMOS Inverters, MOS Transistor circuit model, Latch up, Basic gates, Depletion & enhance mode pull ups. MOS Circuit Design Processes, Basic circuit concepts, Subsystem Design and Layout: Switch logic, gate logic, inverter, Design of Combinational Circuits, PLA Design of Sequential Circuits –two phase clock dynamic shift registers, register to register transfer, Finite State Machines. Implementing Integrated System Design: Patterning and fabrication, hand layout and digitization using a symbolic layout language, the Caltech immediate form for LSI layout description. Overview of an LSI Computer System and Design of OM2 Data Path Chip, VLSI MOS system design, Design entry tools: Schematic capture and HDL. Logic and switch level simulation, FPGA. The course includes lab works based on theory taught.
Course Code: ETE 451
Course Name: Information theory and coding technique
Prerequisite: None
Credit Hours: 3.00
Detailed Syllabus:Definition of information, memory less information sources, the Markov information source; Entropy: Extended sources; Shannon’s noiseless coding theorem; Source coding; Mutual information; Channel capacity: BSC and other channels; Shannon’s channel capacity theorem; continuous channels; comparison of communication systems based on information theory; Channel coding block and convolution block codes-Hamming, cyclic and BCH. Performance of block code; Convolution codes and majority logic decoding; Viterbi decoding algorithm; Coding gains and performance.
Course Code: ETE 452
Course Name: Satellite and Optical Fiber Communication
Prerequisite: None
Credit Hours: 3.00
Detailed Syllabus:
Course Code: ETE 453
Course Name: Digital Image Processing
Prerequisite: None
Credit Hours: 3.00
Detailed Syllabus:Image acquisition, storage and processing, Structure of human eye, image model, image transformations, correlation characteristics, PCM coding for image digitization. Redundancy in images and psycho, IP and E techniques for image coding. Image coding without memory and with memory. DPCM, ADPCM, Block / Transform coding. Entropy coding Image Analysis / Synthesis and image understanding techniques. Image Enhancement, restoration and conversion, Image Compression, differential techniques Color image processing, Time-varying Image Analysis: Difference images, moving edge detection, Optical flow, Elementary Pattern Recognition: Statistical pattern recognition, syntactic pattern recognition, Image processors
Course Code: ETE 454
Course Name: Optical Fiber Network
Prerequisite: None
Credit Hours: 3.00
Detailed Syllabus:Signaling, switching and transmission aspects, local area network, fiber optic LAN, access protocols, TDMA, LAN systems, system configuration, network control, passive optical components for LAN, active repeaters, MAN, WAN, integrated services, system applications.
Course Code: ETE 461
Course Name: Antennas and Radio Wave Propagation
Prerequisite: None
Credit Hours: 3.00
Detailed Syllabus:Antenna equivalent circuits, Radiation fields, Polarization, Isotropic radiator, Power gain of an antenna, Effective area and effective length of an antenna. The Horizon dipole, half-wave dipole. The vertical antennas, Folded elements. Loop and ferrite rod receiving antennas. Non-resonant antennas. Driven arrays, parasitic arrays. VHF-UHF antennas, Microwave antennas Radio Wave Propagation: Introduction, Propagation in free space, Tropospheric propagation, Ionospheric propagation. Surface wave. Low frequency, Very low frequency and Extremely low frequency propagation. The course includes lab works based on theory taught.
Course Code: ETE 463
Course Name: Optical Fiber Communications
Prerequisite: None
Credit Hours: 3.00
Detailed Syllabus:Optical fiber communication systems, Elements of optical fiber communication links, Propagation of Light over Optical Fibers, Mechanisms of attenuation and dispersion. Optical cables, optical connector, splice and couplers. Optical Sources: LED, LASER Intensity modulation/ direct detection, coherent systems. Optical transmitters & amplifiers. Optical Detectors and Receivers, Optical Link Design: Limitations in bandwidth and distance due to attenuation and dispersion. Link budget calculations, Applications, Low BW/ Low bit rate to ultra-wide band/ Ultra high bit rate communication systems. Introduction to communication networks (LANs, MANs and WANs). The course includes lab works based on theory taught.
Course Code: ETE 465
Course Name: Telecommunication ICs
Prerequisite: None
Credit Hours: 3.00
Detailed Syllabus:Pulse Dialers; DTMF encoders and decoders; Repertory dialers; Speech networks; CODECs; PCM line filters. Single-chip telephone ICs, Line interface ICs, Speech network, Tone dialer, Ringer network, Intelligent telephones-Microprocessor interface, integrated speakerphone IC, Audio amplifier ICs, Battery feed, Over-voltage protection, Ringing, Signaling, Coding, Hybrid, and Testing (BORSCHT). Subscriber Line Interface Card (SLIC), Codecs, Dual tone Multi Frequency (DTMF) ICs. CAD design methodologies, ASICs for signal processing, computer vision applications, telecommunications. PCM, CVSD, CODECs, Filters, MODEMs, LAN chip sets, ISDN CODECs. Telephones-subscriber circuits, line interface, Switched capacitor, DSP chips, High speed decision circuits. MIC and MMIC. High speed DSP chips. Fiber optic chips. The course includes lab works based on theory taught.
Course Code: ETE 467
Course Name: Internet and Multimedia Communications
Prerequisite: None
Credit Hours: 3.00
Detailed Syllabus:Internet, Intranet, and Extranet, will be covered. Web server management, threats, security of client and server, network security like firewall, SSL, authentication and authorization, search engine, Internet protocols like TCP/IP, SGML, XML. Design and developments of Web applications using Java Applets, ASP, Java Script, CGI and other Web tools are discussed. The course includes lab works based on theory taught.
Course Code: MAT 101
Course Name: Math-I (Differential and Integral Calculus)
Prerequisite: None
Credit Hours: 3.00
Detailed Syllabus:Differential Calculus:
Functional Analysis and Graphical Information: function, properties of functions, graphs of functions, new function from old, lines and family of functions, Limit: Limits( an informal view), one sided limits, the relation between one sided and two sided limits, computing limits, Continuity: continuity and discontinuity, some properties of continuity, the intermediated value theorem, Derivatives: slop and rate of change, tangent and normal, derivative of a function, physical meaning of derivative of a function, techniques of differentiation, chain rule, successive derivatives, Derivative in graphing and applications: analysis of functions, maximum and minimum, Expansion functions: Taylor’s series, Maclaurian’s series, Leibniz; Rolle’s and Mean Value theorems, Partials and total derivatives of a function of two or three variables.
Integral Calculus:
Different technique of integration: integration, fundamental integrals, methods of substitutions, integration of rational functions, integration by parts, integrals of special trigonometric functions, reduction formulae for trigonometric functions, Definite integrals: general properties of definite integral, definite integral as the limit of sum and as an area, definition of Riemann integral, Fundamental theorem of integral calculus and its applications to definite integrals, determination of arc length, Improper integrals, Double integrals, Evaluation of Areas and Volumes.
Course Code: MAT 102
Course Name: Math-II (Co-ordinate Geometry and Liner Algebra)
Prerequisite: None
Credit Hours: 3.00
Detailed Syllabus:Coordinate Geometry:
Coordinates, polar coordinates, straight lines, changes of axes, pair of straight lines, circle parabola, ellipse, hyperbola, rectangular coordinate, plane.
Vector Analysis: vector components, vector components in spherical and cylindrical system, vector operators, scalar and dot product, application of vector geometry, derivative of vector, del, gradient, divergence and curl, physical significance, integration of vector, line surface and volume integration, Theorems (Green’s, Gauss’s, Liouville’s, Stoke’s) and their applications.
Linear Algebra:
Systems of Linear Equations (SLE): introduction to SLE, solution of a SLE, solution of a system of homogeneous LE, Gaussian and Gauss-Jordan elimination, Determinants: factorization, determinant, fundamental properties of determinants, minors and cofactors, Cramer’s rules for solving a SLE, Algebra of Matrices: Matrix, some special types of matrices, transpose, adjoint and inverse of a matrix, algebraic operation on matrices, quadratic forms solution of a LE by applying matrices, Vector Space: space and subspace, Euclidean n-space, basis and dimension, rank and nullity, Linear Transformations (LT) and its Matrix Representations: LT from to , properties of LT, matrix representation of a LT, diagonalization of LT, Eigen Values and Eigen Vectors: polynomials of matrices and linear operators, eigen values and vectors, diagonalizability, Cayley-Hamilton theorem, characteristic and minimum polynomial Inner Product Spaces: inner product spaces, Cauchy-Schwarz inequality, orthogonality, Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization process, linear functional and adjoint operators, Some Applications of LA.
Course Code: MAT 201
Course Title: Differential Equation and Numerical Analysis
Prerequisite: MAT 102
Credit Hours: 3.00
Detailed Syllabus:Differential Equations:
Basic Definitions and Terminology: differential equation (de), classifications of de, formation and solution of a de and further terminology, Ordinary de (ode), des of the first order and first degree: variable separable, homogeneous equations, exact equations, linear equations, Linear Equations with constant coefficients: linear and nonlinear de, solution of linear de, 2nd order des, 2nd and higher order homogeneous des, Method of Variation of Parameter; Method of undetermined coefficients; System of Linear de: operator method matrices and system of linear first order equations, homogeneous linear systems, undetermined coefficients, variation of parameters, Solution by Series.
Numerical Analysis:
Errors in Numerical Calculations: numbers and their accuracy, errors and their computation, a general error formula, error in a series approximation, Solution of Algebraic and Transcendental Equations: bisection, iteration, false position, Newton-Raphson methods, Interpolation: finite difference, forward, backward and central differences, Newton’s formula for interpolation, Stirlings formula, Lagrange’s interpolation formula, divided differences and their properties, Numerical Differentiation and Integration, Matrices and Linear Systems of Equations, Numerical Solution of Ordinary Differential Equations.
Course Code: MAT 203
Course Name: Math-III (Mathematical Methods)
Prerequisite: None
Credit Hours: 3.00
Detailed Syllabus:Laplace Transformations:
Laplace Transformation (LT), Inverse Laplace Transforms (ILT), Applications of LT to de, Complex Variable Theory: complex number system, polar form of complex numbers, operations in polar form, De Moivre’s theorem, roots of complex numbers, functions, limit, continuity, derivatives, Cauchy-Riemann equations, line integral formulas, Green’s theorem in the plane, Integrals, Cauchy’s theorem, Cauchy’s integral formulas, Taylor’s series, Singular points, Poles, Laurent’s series, residues, residues theorem, evaluation of definite integrals, Convergency and Divergency of infinite series: general properties of series, test of convergence and divergence of the series of constants, power series, uniform convergence, Cauchy criterion for uniform convergence. Power series solution of de: analytic and singular functions, ordinary and singular points of a differential equation, Solution in series of the de.
Fourier Analysis:
Beta and Gamma functions, Fourier series and Applications: Periodic functions and Trigonometric series, Definition of Fourier Series, Dirichlet conditions, Fourier sine and cosine series, Half-Range Fourier Sine and Cosine series, Perseval’s Identity, Integration and differentiation of Fourier series, Complex notation for fourier series, Some physical applications of fourier series, Fourier Integrals and Applications: Fourier integral, Fourier transforms, Fourier sine and cosine transforms, Persival’s Identities for Fourier Integrals, Convolution theorem for Fourier transforms, Applications of Fourier Integrals and transforms, Special functions: Legendere’s de and Legendere’s polynomials, Bessel’s de and Bessel functions, Hermite’s de and Hermit’s polynomials, Laguerre’s DE and Laguerre’s polynomials.
Course Code: MAT 205
Course Name: Math-IV (Discrete Mathematics and Numerical Analysis)
Prerequisite: None
Credit Hours: 3.00
Detailed Syllabus:Discrete Mathematics: Mathematical logic: propositional calculus, predicate calculus. Permutations, Combinations and Discrete Probability. Set theory: sets, relations, partial ordered sets, functions. Graph theory: graphs, paths, trees. Recurrence Relations and Recursive Algorithms. Algebraic structures: binary operations, semi groups, groups, permutation groups, rings and fields, lattices. Numerical Methods: Solutions of polynomials and transcendental equations, Interpolation and polynomial approximation, Least square approximation, Solutions of systems of linear equations, Gauss elimination technique, Gauss-Siedel iteration technique, Numerical differentiation and integration.
Course Code: PHY-101
Course Name: Physics-I (Waves Oscillation and Modern Physics)
Prerequisite: None
Credit Hours: 3.00
Detailed Syllabus:Waves and Oscillation: Simple Harmonic Motion, total energy and average energy of SHM, combination of SHM, spring mass systems, tensional pendulum; Two body oscillation, reduced mass, damped oscillation, forced oscillation, resonance, progressive wave, power and intensity of wave, stationary wave, group and phase velocity. Nuclear radiation and Radioactivity, Fission and Fusion, Alpha, beta and gamma ray. Bohr’s atom model, Wave and particle nature of light, Photoelectric effect, Compton Effect, de Brogglie’s hypothesis, Uncertainty principle, Quantum mechanics and Schrödinger equation.
Course Code: PHY-201
Course Name: Physics-II (Electricity, Magnetism and Optics)
Prerequisite: None
Credit Hours: 3.00
Detailed Syllabus:Electricity, Magnetism: Electrical Charge, Coulomb’s law, electric field, dipole and flux of electric field and flux density, Gauss’s law, electric potential, potential energy. Magnetic field, Magnetic flux and flux density, Ampere’s law, Biot Savart’s law, Faraday’s law of Induction, Inductance, Energy in the Magnetic field. Optics: Defects of images, spherical aberration, astigmatism, coma, distortion, curvature, chromatic aberration. Light, interference of light, Young’s experiment, Fresnel prism, interference. Newton’s rings, interferometers, Diffraction, resolving power of optical instruments, diffraction grating; Polarization and polarized light. Brewster’s law, polarization by double refraction, Nicol prism, optical activity and Polarimeters. The course includes lab works based on theory taught.
Course Code: STAT 206
Course Name: Statistics and Probability
Prerequisite: None
Credit Hours: 3.00
Detailed Syllabus:Statistics:
Introduction to Statistics: what is statistics, statistical data, statistical methods, scope and limitation of statistics, Populations and Samples, collection and presentation of data, Grouped Data and Histograms, Some Graphical Methods: bar charts, time plots, Pie charts, scatter plots, box and Whisker plots, Measure of Central Tendency: mean , median and mode, Measure of Variations, Measure of Skewness, Moments and Kurtosis, difference between Variation and Skewness, Correlation and Regression Analysis: significance of the study of correlation, types of correlation, difference between correlation and regression Analysis, Sampling and Sampling Distributions, Survey Sampling Methods.
Probability: meaning of probability, classical definition of probability, statistical probability, some theorems in probability, distribution function, probability distributions:
Binomial, normal and exponential distributions.